Student careers advice

Supervisor Training - for EPQ (Extended Project Qualification 7993) AQA - Level 3
This bundle contains everything you need to know as an EPQ supervisor - this can be downloaded and read independently or can be delivered by a course coordinator. The PPT contains all the relevant information, key dates and checkpoints, exemplar material for all key stages, tips and advice + detailed summary points from the most recent Examiner Reports.
Included in the bundle is an Overview of Roles and Dates - these can be adjusted to suit your own institution and calendars.

PROJECT QUALIFICATIONS – The Compete Bundle of Resources for the 'Taught Skills Programme' for HPQ (Higher) + EPQ (Extended) Project Qualifications - AQA Course codes 7992 / 7993
This complete bundle contains a complete set of detailed resouces (PowerPoints, worksheets, marking grids for presentations, checklists, videos, university guides, self-designed guides, help documents) for all 30 hours of the Taught Skills Programme for both the HPQ (Higher Project Qualification - Specification reference: 7992) AQA - Level 2 and the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification - Specification reference: 7993) AQA - Level 3.
Also included in this package, is the compete set of resources for EPQ Level 3 Supervisor Training, with exemplars of all materials and a full comprehensive guide on running the qualification.
As an EPQ Coordinator myself, I struggled to find something that comprehensively covered all the required components, lasted the full 30 hours and explained fully all apsects of the process. I have specifically designed and produced each and every lesson in the pack - if you have any questions at all, please get in touch - roberti_85@yahoo.co.uk
***for a full breakdown of all 30 sessions included, please click on one of the file previews and check the description provided.